Currently housing 15 healthy hamsters.


Welcome to the most adorable page on the internet! At Hamsters United, we aim to share our experience raising syrian hamsters, and how you can be part of our Hamster Fund. We aim to give our hamsters the best care, love, and attention for life. Occasionally, we do have hamsters put up for adoption so do browse our hamster profiles to pick one that suits you! If you are a new hamster owner, good luck with your adventure and we hope you find what you need here.

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The Hamsters United Fund

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Tuesday 29 April 2008

The Beginning: Hamster babies mini journal

We got Caramel (the mummy) from a local pet store in Sheffield and not long after, we brought home Gingerbread (the daddy). They bonded quickly and not long after..
13 babies were born on the 20th of February 2008. The babies were healthy, strong, and quite chubby for a big litter.

The babies started having fur on day four, and to our surprise, they were squeking so loudly in the middle of the night! Imagine all 13 squeking at the same time. This went on for the next whole week. (More information on what to expect with baby hamsters coming soon.)

You can easily sex the babies by day 7, you can see the tiny dots around the baby's tummy, defining them as females. (more information on sexing baby hamsters coming soon.)
Our baby hamsters' fur started to turn glossy, shinny and smoother - a sign of a satin hamster. This is due to the fact that their father, Gingerbread, carries the dominant satin gene. (More about hamster coating and fur colours coming soon.)

All 13 babies grew up gracefully and they're beginning to be very hyper active by week 2 and a half. Our hamsters are adorable - they love their wheel, love cuddling and playing around with their siblings, and love exploring the cage for solid food. Clearly, syrian hamsters make a good small and easily cared for... pet!
By week 3, we chose three baby hamsters and gave the rest away to our local pet store in Sheffield, Paws Here. Caramel gave birth to another 3 babies last week and so, another adventure begins!

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